Loving 12 - GO FISH - Page 4 (2024)


That might have been rude, but Shannon's my twin sister, and I would always be on her side about everything.

"Let's talk about you and Patrick, what happened?" She changes the subject, making me laugh as I begin to tell her about my day.

┈┈. ┈┈

"So you're at the hospital?" I said into the phone, because apparently Patrick and I being with each other all afternoon apparently wasn't enough, we needed to talk on the phone as well.

"I'm only here to bring dinner to Kaelin." He explained, "And then I have to go get dinner for Aspen, and bring it home for her."

"And you said Aspen works as a social worker, right?"

"Yeah, she's got a case that's been going on for at least a month, so she's been busy."

"And how's Annabeth?"

"She's better, she's back at home now, and she went out with one of her friends yesterday, so that's progress."

"Well that's good, I'm glad she's okay."

"I have to go now, because I see Kaelin and if she realizes I'm on the phone to you she'll speak to you for the rest of the night."

"Tell Kaelin I say hi, and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Will do, Night Del." He hangs up, leaving me with the feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

My bedroom door opens, and Shannon walks in and closes and locks the door before flopping down on her bed. "I'm on the phone to Claire." She whispers, before placing the phone up to her ear. "Okay, I'm back."

I drown out their conversation even though I can only hear Shannon talking anyways, I rest my hands on my stomach, and stare up at the ceiling, wondering why I would need to bring an extra set of clothes for hanging out with Patrick tomorrow.

I got distracted by Claire squealing loudly from Shannon's phone, which made her move the phone from her ear, wincing, "This is the best news ever." She exclaims, as Shannon gestures for me to sit on her bed next to her, so I do.

Shannon puts the phone on speaker so I can hear what Claire is going on about.

"You have no idea how happy you've just made me. I thought I was going to be trapped in a foreign country for two days with Lizzie and Pierce," she continued to say. "And you know how screwed up their relationship is."

"A foreign country." Shannon snickered then grunted clutching her side.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she looked up at me. "It's just my stomach, It's been bothering me all day. I hope I'm not coming down with something."

"Is that Delilah?" Claire asked, making me look down at Shannons phone, "Yeah, Hey Claire."

"I miss you, ugh I wish you were at Tommen. I might just have to rob a bank to pay for the tuition just so you can start there."

"I'll drive the getaway car." I laugh which makes her laugh, "Perfect, can't wait. So, how are you and Patrick? It's going well, right?"

"More than well." I smile.

"Well details please?!"

"They made out." Shannon answers for me which makes Claire squeal again, "Oh my god! Delilah Lynch! This is the best news ever. Oh my god, I can't wait to pester him about this tomorrow."

"Just don't tell Gibsie, or talk about it in front of other people, because I don't know who he wants to know."

"Yeah, Yeah. Of course. I'm so happy for you, so are you guys like together?"

"No, but I know he likes me and he knows I like him, I guess we are just taking things slow, or whatever."

"Del, I can not believe you got the Patrick Feely- So many girls are going to be jealous of you, just last week I heard in the toilets that a girl would fuck him over Johnny Depp."

"Wow, that's..well interesting?" I awkwardly laugh, not really knowing what to say.

"So, have you figured out how you're going to manage forty-eight hours in close quarters with Gerard?" Shannon asked with a teasing lilt to her tone, thankfully changing the subject.

I need to stop overthinking this just because girls are talking about him does not mean he's going to do anything with them, or something.

He likes you, Delilah. I remind myself a few times before listening back to Shannon and Claire, who groaned loudly. "He drives me crazy, Shan."

"He likes you," she told her. "And before you shut me down and tell me he likes everyone, I mean he really likes you, Claire. It's obvious when you guys are together that he's into you."

"Having him carry on like that towards me is not a compliment," Claire grumbled. "Any girl who walks past that boy turns his head."

"Yeah, but you haven't just turned his head, Claire," Shannon said. "I think you've turned his heart."

"You can't turn something that isn't there, Shan," Claire replied, tone sad.

"I don't believe that," Shannon countered. "That's because you don't know him like I do," was all she replied.

"Well, I think you and Gibsie together make sense," Shannon pressed. "A lot more than Lizzie and Pierce."

"That wouldn't be hard," Claire chuckled. "Me and Mr. Mulcahy make more sense than those two."

"True," Shannon mused, and for the next half an hour, Shannon told Claire about her afternoon, which somehow led back to me and Patrick, and when I told them about how we were going to hang out tomorrow, Claire almost burst my eardrums in excitement.

"You two are soulmates, and no one can't agree with me, I'm going to think of a ship name for you guys and I'll be the number one shipper." Claire exclaims, "Shan, you can be number two."

Loving 12 - GO FISH - Page 4 (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.