Gall John 1st nr I FTTPRS LOCAL MATTERS. The orld In a Hmtshell. S3T If two omnibusaes are runninz. never hail the SEJjc IHomiug Post. 1 A Resurrection.
The Squint 0 Clerk of St. Bt. Dewitt Clinton. Day Spring Division Sous of Temperance. Young Mens Hope Sous of Temperance.
American do do Pittsburgh do do Bayardstown do do Lawrenceville do do Western Star I Mr C. McKIBBIN, P. M. Port Office Pittsburgh, February lttt. KILN DRiKff.CORJTMranlsi barrels KlmTSneTt Corn Meal; 56 barrels Rye Flour, from Patterson's Brighton Mills, in store and for t-alc hy JOHN BLACK.
CO. tflorning Cost Job $Jrinfma (Dflice CORNER OK WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS. fry Having added lo our Establishment, a splendid Sleaea-Powet Printing Machine, we are prepared to do all kinds of Newspaper and Book work in a style of unsurpassed beauty and neatness, and upon the most reasonable terms. We respectfully aolieil the palrounge 01 pubUc in this line of oar business, fry Advertisers are request die hand in their favarsbefort 4 m'cioek, P. Al.
This must be complied trith, in order to m-turiu imtrtiem. Whenitiipossiiile, oririmrtemW it preferred. ID" E- W. CARR, United Stales Newspnper Agency Sun Buildings. N.
E. corner of Third and Dock streets. nd 40O North Fourth street isouronly authorised Agent in Philadelphia. Gillam Gilbeit Gilmore A Green Tr Grannen Daniel Grennett Henry I Grady Nicholas Getty Wm Gaiiegher Garvin Michael Geven Gillespie Win George Joseph Goechniig Jacob Gilsah James Graham John Gatlaeher Gdlesoienn ureen jona et. io Galbraiih Wm Giles Danl Graham Hurh Goren (jeorge Glenn Wm Grahem Same Gates Wm Glenn a Graham Peter Carey John A Glowville Saml Graham James Garbert John 2 Goodwin Grimes James Gault Henry Gorman Mr Griffin Jobn Gazzain A Gowing Garlich Hamilton Gordon Joseph Gooewin Aaron icCo ss Hamilton Hays Wil.iam Hlil Thomas Hightman George Hill John Hill James Hogans Bassell Hoke Geo Hodgens Daniel Holmes Hoffman Mr Holmes ST Hammiiton Wm 2 Hays Richard Hamilton Robert Hays Hamilton John Hay John Hainsworlh Steph Hay A Hairline John Helling Henry nation r.uward Hanneian John Heanv Bernard Heeiiey Francis Hease John Heakes Samuel Henrv Robert- llanimett Samuel Haubp John HannaJohn liainiington A Holmes Charles Hershey Henry Holland Alex liannahau ivlichl Hart Thomas Henderson riogan ts Hesser John 2 Holman Henan James Holmes James Herbert John Howes John Rev Haigh Joseph Home Joseph Hewey John George Henderson James Hough John Aerveyjohn Hopkins Allan Herring Huber Layman Henderson Hulben George Hewey Hucv Robert Hartz Antoin HarbaiighCC Hart William Harkey Harbous Hardie James Harkins David Hartsley RS rlaotead red'rk Havlin Saml Hill Levi Hutchinson Wm 5 HigginsWB Hunter Robert Hill Hunter Alex 5 Hathaway Brad'fd Higgins nuwaru joiin Halton Daniel Hillerman Josiah Hughes James Hinkel Charles Hunter SB Hays Jacob Israel James Irwiu Wm Irwin James A slrael Rioh Irwin Irwin Alexander Irwin Brown Jackson Mr Jenkins Wm 2 Jonet Thomas Jackson Stephen Johnson Robert Jones Henry I Jackson Samuel Johnson Henry Jones Samuel Jordon Johnson Jones James I Jenkins Jabez 3 Johnson John 2 Jones Jonet Henry al i Jomnan Franeis Johnson John Jones Henry Jinks Joseph JukesJohn Johnson A Johnson Thomas Johnson Samuel Jonet Cany Jones John JohnsonW Jelirey A'J Jenkins John Kerr Patrick Kelly James Kelly Wm Kelly Thomas Kerr James Kelly Edward Koor Alexander Kerr Kelly Michael Knox Edward Knowland Evan Kirk Alexander Kirkpatrick John Kenney Wm KingWm Kissick Kissick Moses Kinzey Thomas Kirkbride Kirkpatrick John Kiusey King Charles Kane Silas Kana James Kennedy Thos Kennedy Wm Kaws Edward Keenan John Keller Wm Keller Peter Kennedy Robert Kennedy Wm Knowlson John hemlig Christoptr Kidd Georgi Kearney James Xa Latshaw Henry Lee A Jr Laughrey Robert Leech James Lovrry Lewis Lilly Fortunatus Line George JLoraine John Lovell Noah Landes Josepn learcn Jesse Lamed James Leedy Jacob Lernett Lafayette Logan A Dolerman Liuusey James Long Joseph Liscomb Silas Lociard Isaac Lytle Samuel Long Joseph Llvingstoa Steph Loomis Henry Lelly Wm Lord LivingitouM'ClurgLutton Wm Co Lynch James Little Wm Leonard Mr.
M. Mercer Jobn Moler Joseph Muner Patrick Morse A Munlo John Moran Felan Lee Wm Lewis Spencer Leet A Lewis Wm qewis Enoch Lee vvm Lewis Charles Mare Margnis Wm Mahoiiy Mary Mason BruuterXMilltngton Moses Morton George Matter miiwueoa moorneau jas Matthews Mills uaac Moore Miners John Moorse Miller Wm Moorse Jas Mitchell Moorse Thos Mitchell Thos Moore George Miller John Moore John Miller Jacob Morrow Jos Mitchell Hugh Murphy Charles Miller John Mv.ari John Morton Mullen Hugh Morague Mularchy Michel Morgan Thos Mullen Edw'd Moses Horain Mullen Geo Morton Alex Meyer Jno Montgomery Mullen Pat'k Mahon Richard Mackesell John Magie Jos Matter Wm Mahoney Dan'l Masterson Mattiiews John Mattery Johu Maths Sam'l Maithews Thos Matthews Mahon Rch'd Matthews Masten Sam Martin Dan Mr Morris Thos Myers Alfred Martin Dan'l Mornt Frederick Mnudy Felen Martin Thos John Murphy Edw'd Marun Morris Frances Muudy Matthew MeharlWinA Morris John Murray Dan'l Merino Augustus MorlinThos Murray Chat MessiugerUeo Morris James Murray John James Moorhead James Murphy MukiusThos More la nd Jas Means John -He. Arder Jas CranekenWm -M'Kee John M'Bufnv John M'Cormiek Mch'l M'KnieUt Beth Jno M'Cormiek Win M'Kelvy Jun Aleevy Phillip Conuell Ira A Kelvit Rob't llnde I' M'Dermotl Chas M'Gimpery John Annally Jno M'Dontiel A 2 M'Gill Alex M'Bnde Thos M' Henry Win Henry Jas M'Auary Fraucis-M'Donald Thos M'liunnigle David co M'lllwee John Mljoni.igle Pfck M'Cultouirh Jas M'Dermotl John M'Gunniale Jas M'ClareuJas, M'Farren Jas M'Gonnigle Pt'ck Carthy Thos Winners ihos Clees a M'Clealin John M'Ciure Wm M'Carter John Intosh Lewis M'MulleuTA M'fntosn Matthew M'Tighe Pal ck fnlosh Wm M'Kenua James KeeRH Mullen A M'Kee Wm Mullen Jas Kee A M'Cague Mi-Ray Jainss M'Kown Jas M'Cracken Sam Nun Jaitte5 Ncelea Michael 2 Nicholson Robt Nolan Samuel Carinev iu M'Claren Wm Jas Cully John Neale Wm Nesbil Robert Neely Wm Nelson Robert Norns Norteu Jacob Nohle Wm Null John O'llonncll Jaines O'llallrnii John GT.eil John Olucr Thomas O'Brien John Patlon John A Patterson John Painter James Pierce Win A Pagen Samuel 2 Peebles John Paisly aiiiuel Pcteisou Paiuler Joseph I'elerson Palmer FroiiKlio Alfred Pain John Penny Batterson James Petiigna Joseph Piirker Georste Phillips John G'Conncr Dennis Owen Joseph Phelae James Phillips David Piper HeDry Pickersgill Wm -llhlillps Thomas Pralt Kdward Pyle Taylor Pnlchard Arthur Putmuii Glettu Patiertoii Josi-ph Phillips Davie 3 Puga Thomas Patterson I'ltcarn jonu rnci James l'atlorson Phillips Charles Patiersoti John Pheetait Jamas Patterson James Phaleu James Patterson Kolierl Phelan Michael Peneil Porter Joint Porter Washintn 2 Palls Patrick Quillen John A Quimi Queer Win H. Raessnyder Wrm Rinehert Alfred Rerk John Ruse FA Rook A Raymond Richards Wm Rhineharl Jacob Rcauey David Reisinger David Rahil John Rentier Wm Oeea Win Rces Rees Reed Wm Reed John Rayuolds Wni Raynolds 0 Reed Joseph Reed George Ravnolds Reed Reed John Reynolds Richurdsoii John Riddle 2 Roach James Rider Thomas Risher Johu Riley Isaae Richie Thomas Roberts Robert Robertson John Robinson A Robe ris Thomas Ross Hendershn Ress Denold Robson Wm Rowland Evan Robb 11 Rons John Robb Isaac 8 Ross Josepn Rosers Robiuson Wm Rodgers Patrick Rogers Robinson Olney Rob bison Robinson Robiuson A Rodgers Wm Rogers Robert Ryan A Russell David Ryan Win Risher A Sagindoph Geo A Singer Henry A Sansbery Benj Samel Sands Amos Seolt Thomas Scott Beuj Saortz Abraham svhmnz Jabe Shields Spencer Edward Shields Alexander Sprattsnood ET Shuren Shutte Snrinrsteii A Shertyer Morgan Sproul Matthias Snentia Wra Spence James Shinp Shield Wm Sichlea Spencer Jobn 2 Sterie Geo Stark Henry Stench Geo Stevenson Jas Stewan Stuett Charles Sluert Cregin Sills John snwiiiri Charles Sleiirh Wm Scoit Slick Oliver Scott Waller Sell Joseph Seeter Wm Semosen Sellers Thomas Serlists John A Semenc Seir Solomon Chas Souder Snadoce Wm Skinner George Smith Joseph A Smith II Sandiord in Smith Matthew Stuert Wm Smith Peter Stevenson Wm Smith Alexander Stuart Smith Andrew Stems Wra Smith Edward Stocking Sydney Stittued Myrou Stouxceper David Strollae Daiiiet Still Alexander Strain Thomas Sweeny John Suerta Abraham Suliron Michael Sueeter 2 Snougenger Wm Smith Geo Miaw inomai emiiiib shi ShellenbergerD Smith Elijah Shaibe Henry Smith Peny Sheeden James Smith John Shelden SB 2 Smith Robert Sheets Smiih Christiaa Slioitser Jacob Simpson Jon Sheredon Pair Snoilgrasi Shields Isaac Snodgrass James Sneels Joseph Shiftier George Sheriden Shuuk Geo Taylor A Brant Taylor James Taylor Isaac Tenyler Win Teode Wm Thompson Thaletra Jno Thompson Wm Thompsou Cpson Asa Vance A 2 Von Bleek 2 Vauderenden King iMieeis jonu Snodgr James Sutlen Wm Spice Thomas Swany Andrew T. Thernhill Wellsn Traffier Lewis Truker Walter Sharnet Wm Termmus F'd Tuny Jones Trisdal Truxal Wm Tibbal Jas Truuak James Toner Adam Truly Rob't TarleyJohn Truxal Toralinson John GTrensene V.
I'llyJ V. Vonham Vroomer Dan'l W. Whiteside RbT White John Verdey Wm Vuich WagstaffW A Walker James Walker Wilkinson Jas VVinelch Wm Witnor Williamson Wilder James Wilkens Wert Wm Wiuchell Woods Wm Worden Wm White Thos Wallace Andrew Whittaker Jas Waiert John Waters George Walhers David Waters A Evans Ward Watson WardJ Welsh Frances Welsch Wra AYilltams Wilpams Williams Williams Rch'd Williams Thos Williams Williams Worthingioii Sol- Wilsou A Richard- ander son Woods Jas Wells AVillim Williams Woods John Wells John Wearn Frances Wells West Welsh John Whatson Young Morgan Young Dan'l Willm JohnB Wiiim Wickna Ctiss Wilkens Woit John r. York Thos Young John Woodward Jas Wroods Wm Wright Wright IK Wert Wm Young Jesse Young Jas day of JJ TsEMAINtNG in the Pittsiiurirh Post oiiice from the XVlSth of January, 194s, to. the 1st of February, 1649.
ron caning lor Letters, will please say they are to- Ladles' Llsf 1 A Anderson MY Anthony Mary, 1 Anderson Mary Arn Rosanna Anderson Martha Atkinson Hetty Anderson Eliz'bh Auslin Lavinia Adams Amy Mary Amich Susan Anderson Sarah is Bacon Jane Bailey Sarah Blrney 11 Biaiiey Rebecca Boden Benotie Royce Nancy Boyd Jane Bradley Elizabth Brndenbury Kli'bb Breimon Mary BunnAmia Burgess Rachel Burke Mary Burke Iouisa Cochran Mary Collins Mary Conwar Kliza Coplind Sarah Barnes Henr la A Batty Mary Boliman Kliz'hth Beard Mary Jane Boston Anna aty Jaiie Boston Ami Behau A Mrs Bowen Mrs BiKcard Kliia Bowler Klizaheih Biggs Mary Bowers Elizabeth CadwalladerL A Caray- l.ydia Calkwell Kebecca Can Jvizabeth atuouit aviary a Carroll Mrs Campbell Sarah A Clark Jans CoxouMary Crook Martha 1 Dolhghan Jnne Doris Isabella Dunlap Mnry Dunn Jane Dingman Mary Dcrry Chartotla Dickie Joanna Enoch Susan Ewiug Margt 2 Forsyth Maria Foster rs France Ma-y Fuller Ann uomieiiy Mrs Dougherty Mary Donnelly SusnnnaDryden Nancy lavidou Isabella Davis Mary uavis maria Lh-amiit Ann Eakin Mury Jane Ellis Elizabeth Edmonds Hami'h Kiils Nancy Si Feely Catharine Finaean Mary Feeay Elizabeth Fitch l.ydia retail aiary Ann rlanagm Mary Fell Elizabeth Elinn Amelia rerguaou Alary rlynn Fanny Gallaher Cath'e Gillespie Sarah Green Sarah uaiiger louisa Gillespie Caroline Gumbert Sarah Garwood Jane Gillespie Gray Mrs Grueher Ellen Gilkeson Martha JGrav Mary Giltm Mary Girl Jane Graham Miss Gilbert Mary A Glenn Jane Graham Elzbth uucnrist Amanda Goodwin l.aura Graham Martha Hague Mrs John Hickman Christinallomnanu Barbara HnoSb" Nauey Heisley Rebecca Hogau Catharine Hall Klizabeth Hcmmgray Mary llollendbeck My 2 Hall Rachel Hcroiugray Mary JHollaud Marv H'nrf "enl7 Holiday Maria Harkius Elzbth Henderson A Holmes Nanev A Harpruno FraucesHennessy Holmes Laura Haugh'on Mary Hening A House Elzbth Hawes Henry Rachel Howard Mary Hays Catharine Herrick Martha MHoward Elzbth Hays Mnry Herring Elizabeth Hunter Eliza nays Sarah HiliierMiss 3HurtonJane Hebard Sarah Htllis Jane Hutchinson Jos eA nunngs, aoeua Ingrain Elizabeth Irvin Aaron Irvin Elizabeth lvarah farali A Jackson Hannah Jervia Ann Jane Jones Susan Jackson Mary Johns Margaret Jones Ann Jennings Lliz Johnston Margt ones Lizzie joueamary Jones riosamiaa Kain Sarah Kay Hannah Kelly Rosanna 2 Kerns Ellen Kennedy Louisa Kine Emma Kelly t-saD la Kelly Ellen Kerr Caroline Klinefelter Anil lierrtgan fcliza Knox Aaiis Li Lawrence El'a Utile Margaret Lowery Mary Ann lmj ioii iiiiergan Joanna Lawry Jane l.ea Isabel Longfttalf Mare'l Lowrr Mn Lilly Catharine Loonlis Ludwig Henrietta KiKumuiiiKi Lrfiuitncriy met aa ijupion A usier rdiza ijo inner Lynch Marv A Lyons Eliza Lyou Nancy 31 Morrison Mary McCutcheon Msgill Martha arquis Saraa Matsie Harriet Mason Nancy Martin Jane Mulholland Jane McClelland Eliza Mulboliaiid Sarah Maueta Mullen McCullough Sarah Murdock Eliza'h Ki'utta Means Hsdressa Murdm Marg't McDonouell Ke'ca Meitard Margaret Murray Mary iwcuaw M'Gee Sidnev Might Sarah Ann Mc Alee Martha Miner Helleti McAfee Catharine EcGee Miller Mary Milier ElizabeiS Miller Mary Moler Jane Morgana Mary Morrow Mary Moore Sarah Moore Lusune McAtee Miss M'lnlire Mary -caituies i aacy MrCleanMary- McLeod Sarah McCoriuick Cat'iieMcMiUen Ann McConnack Mar-McHherson Rach'l gsrelta McQueen Mary J2 uicacuiii.iir a Nagie Vlaiy O'Connor Marg NichoU Jane Gwens aliiarine Pain Nancy Halmer Naui-y Parsons Mary Patterson Adaiine Plankenton F. I earnoit Liiz Porrill Dorothy- I iperLuciiida Powell A rdmiula Qumlin Suau Ann Renton a no Rolib Margaret Richardson Eliza Riddle Cath'rae A Elenor Shoemaker Juhn Lcmta Mrs Sawyer Manila A ShsnVr Caroline Scoit Marg fcerr Eltalieih Seeiy Nancy 4 skiimau EUsab'h Shwlllrwonh Sa- Sheer Mary Anil rah 3 S'raitber Shoup Hridgrt Sarah Smith Douisa Smuh Mary Smith Ann Spartro Mary Sterigere Amanda Steons Mary Aim arali A steward KHen Tsvlor Mary A Thompson I-h'a Teneii Margaret Thontpiii Harriet Trares Marsrarr-t oumhiinson Ebh Thompson Marg'l Towuscnd I.av'na Tumterlone I t'pion Ann Waddle Aunt Wacener Mary Wilkinson E'Uh eh! Wallace Marv Wade A Williams Mary Ward Mary Wilon A Wood Woods Theresa Wuicbiddle R'hca Kouug Martha Zimmerman Francis (IratlrnicB'B List. A Allan Herkiah Anderson AUeune Jost-ph Armstrong Dan'l A Marnier AC Arlwili treore Aigeo Armstrong nines Apjm'gale A Mc-Armstrong iiaii'l casim AsperCaich Anthony Muchl Aikitison If A tide rson liepi tl A tkins a ins AndcrsoiiSicphcii Allan Who It Agnew AUei Thos Addaitu Agitcw Danl Addanis Addams Algco Alii Hani Sen Allan Baker Jam? Baiickner Wm Baker Isaac Banning Hall Jame Barns Joseph Itaslraa Wm Barber John Barker George Barilla Thos Bauer James flingiuun Win BHi Jt-rt-umih 2 Illyihe DG Bingham A llltMmi KuKt-ne A Hrnstraiip James Braden James Hrydcn Jas 2 liruud II II llraily George. Hradlcv John Brass Thos 2 Brunken Aud'w Bradley Jno Brice John llrcmion Pierce llran.i II II Bradley f. BryoVn Jas 3 Bryan John Bryan! John Brophy Wm Buchanan Juo Bynes Pal'k Bathaway Mr Butler Wm Burns Saiu'l Butler Thos Burton Juo Burley Rob'i Butler Richard Brinkhanimer R'd Hushtiell Neville Burnside Geo Bowen KSakely Joliu Bivens Wm Itisoil Jacob Biythet A Blake Kdward Black II Hachnlcr l-'red'ek Black Aaron Halham John Black Bayard David Biack a Barrows James Black Barr Sam Black Barrows AtluiiranoBooz John Harnett A It Uontl Thos Batemaii Isaac Bell Joseph 2 Bedden If Bendeil James llenlngton Thos Bender George Beach Beliuin Horace Bennet James Bern Elisha title Jacob Bidleman Jacob Boomer Ettsha i Cahitl Jaines Gannon Charles Casey Machel Cappetle Carroll Charles Carroll Michael Caskey William Cassiday Carpenter Jae Bowman It Bowen Thos Bausman Bryle Charles Boyer Loaim Booth llootiti Boice John BoMlhy Jas Bowen John Howen Bowen Wiu 2 Clark Rev Clark A Ctark Win 2 Clark Clarke Geo Clark John Coltart Jr Collier Capt Collins John Courtney Henry or James Cox James Cox Cory James Coyle Joseph Coreo Bcrajah Cottier John Coyle Mr Corcoran Jere'mh Craig Samuel Crawford Rolierl Craig Henry Crawford Creaver James Crossett John Crockett Edward Crouse Moses Curry John Curry George Cunningham Jesee Cumirrtits James Curren Peter Cunningham Curtain Nicholas Cullm Thomas Cunningham Carter Charles Cummings John ummms Alex Carroon Richard Coleman James Camnketl Charles Collins Patrick Campbell Robt 3 Coatcs Esborne Caldwell William Coleman Dampbell John Collin James Caldwell John Collins Samuel Bampbell Robert Cooper Win or Mrs Cooper Samuel Chnsheld Wm Connor John Cheeves James Conlen Chenv A Wny ConnoIygPalrick Cook John Company Converse Capt Conway John Consett Geerge Covert Joseph a CorJell Allan Cowell Cox Charles Deynester Deimison Mr Devoll Devereaux John Chambers James Chese Briliain Chall'ant James Clark Harvey Cloky Rev Clark James or Thomas Clark Bernard Cunningham Jas Daniels Thomas Davidson Beiu David Justice David Alex DawDSOii Isaac Dreniiing Thomas Duffy Hugh DuftieldJohn Dushatie A Duncan Thos 9 DiUworth Davainsville JohnDorey Allan Dutikey John Daniels 1 nomas Davis Evau Davis John Davit Goodman Davis David Davis Joseph Davis Mr Denning Jams Dougherty Daniel Duncan Wm Dolchy John A Dunn Allan Dogherty James Dunham David Douiherty MichaelDuiiiiing James Doyle John 1 Durburow A a Douthett A Pougherty Saml Dodsou hi Dobson Joseph A Devereaux Jou.ii Eddy A Eagan John Emhoat Jacob Eaton OlenhousenEagar John Elden John A Co Evaus aravid Ellis George Eogent George Edrouiidson Caleb Evans Thomas Edwards Ed wd Eaton Henry Kvansjohn Ebbert 2 Ely Svrus Lvans John Eagan Ellis George 8 Fairley Roln Fleming Thomas Jnzze.i aoun 3 P.l,;., 9 rinninrlnilicw Franklin JS Fanan Patrick Fleming James Fisher Daniel Fleming Wui Finn James Fowler Finley John Foster Wm Fitzgerald Fowler John Fimkte Wm Ford Marshal inhn Fnrner Franciseus John Frazer Wm Fnlz Jordon Freed David Freeze Isaac Frailich Freeze Isaac Freed David Fulton Chrisl'r Fenertz John Flannigan Goshorn James Gel ping Wra Graves George Feniiigan Francis Folgamb Fetch Samuel Foster Richard Finn Patrick Fitzgerald Gresey Henry Garing Charles Gallagher Jchn Foley Thomas Fogus Frederick Garbert Joseph Gaughel John Gillett 11 as and Pittsburgh Rail Roast Company.
We have received from Mr. Jones, (of the firm of Keir Jones,) a copy of the Mount Vernon (Knox County, Ohio) True Whig," of December last, containing the proceedings of meetings of citizens ol Kaox county, in relation to the Columbus and Pittsburgh Rail Road a communication, and also an editorial on the same subject. A circular statement of exports, imports, water power, Ike, fee, of Kaox county," is also published. The company was organized on the 11th of December; officers were elected, and sufficient stock subscribed and paid in to give the citizens of the the county control of the charter. They regard the charter as exceedingly advantageous, at it fixes no intermediate points between Columbus and the Ohio, nor above Stcubehvillc, and gives power to connect with any other road tending to Pittsburgh.
We clip from the proceedings of a meeting ofthe Directors, the following: The Company are not restricted in time, as to construction and completion, or prohibited the use of any portion of the roud, which Ihey may have completed, at any riven period. By aa amendatory Act, passed February 24th, 1S4S, it is provided that the Columbus and Pitts burgh Rail Road Company shall have power to connect said road with any other rail road starting from Columbus and tending in the direction of Pittsburgh, or commencing at the Ohio River within the State of Ohio, north ot toe town ol stcubenvitle, and tending westward." And further the said amendment repeals the loth section of the act to which it is amendatory, by which all right ot the Stale to charge tolls, under certain restrictions, is removed The commudicalioh to which we have above allu ded, is by a writer who styles himself A Men chast, teho 20 years ago bought alt his goods tit Philadelphia and Pittsburgh If it were not fur its length, we would publish it all, for the benefit of our citizens, as it contains much information in rela tion to the wealth and prosperity of the region ot country of which Knox county is the centre. We give an extract The Charter of this Company, granted by the Legislate of this State in 1846, authorizes the construction of a rail road from Columbus to any point on the Ohio River, north of the town of Steuben ville, which may afford the easiest, most direct or advantageous connection with Pittsburgh. We rejoice at the movement just made, as indicating a determination on the part of our citizens, to procure, as early as practicable, the advantages of aa eastern outlet for this immensely productive region. We regard a connection with the east, by way of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, as of vastly more importance to this central portion of the State, than-any project which has as yet been presented for our consideration and if the importance of our position, the amount of our products and business ability, were properly un derstood, the could not fail, in our humble opinion, to attract attention, snd secure the location of the great Central routa, from those cities to the west.
Knox is emphatically the central county of Ohio, and the very centre of the wheat growing region of the state she possesses an industrious, enterprising and wealthy population, rapidly increasing in the latter characteristic and we do not hesitate to say that there is not an interior county oi equal area in the State, capable of affording as large an amount of business, both freight and passenger, fur a rail road, or possessing sa equal amount of never failing water power (easily improved) lor manufactories of any description while the is proverbial for health. Mt. Vernon it situated central between Newark on the South, and Mansfield on the North, snd hitherto the heavy exports of wheat, flour, corn, pork, and other products of the county, have been wagoned to, and contributed largely to swell the business statistics of those towns, without which they might have appeared comparatively inconsiderable. Let the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Road make this place a point, extending these? west, south west, or both, and it will sol only secure the large business of the region through it passes, but must reader both Newark and Mansiield tributary thereto for we hold the doctrine, that with a continuous rail road to Philadelphia (regarding the risk snd winter interruption of the north) we should be able to reach even Nw York and Boston, shorter time and distance, with greater certainty, and at less eipentc, than by the northern route. Front this point, too, the Pittsburgh Road would have a direct out-let to the Lake by means of the Sandusky Road to that city, and thence north-west, by otheriroprovement into Michigan, Wisconsin, and south, by the extension of the Sandusky road, toon to be comple ted to Newark and Zanesville, and there connecting teV navigation of "he Muskingum, atManetta.
with the slack water to the Ohio River To give our readers an idea of the hnsiness of Knox county, we quote from the report of a committee ap pointed to ascertain the value of the exports and imports of the county There are within the present limits of Knox county, 45 flouring mills, H2 saw mills, 14 carding and lulling mills, li woolen factories, 4 foundries, 4 oil mills, 4 distilleries, I wire factory, and at far at ascertained, 14 tanneries. The committee hove not had time to ascertain the increase per item of the several articles of export, but their investigation has satisfied them that the increase has been important upon all, and very great upon many of the staple articles, since 1S4. The imports for the year show sn increase of tonnage to amount of 363 tons or 726,000 lbs, for the town of Mount Vcrnoa aiune. Upon the supposition that the remaining towns and trading putts have increased their importations in a like ratio, the aggregate amount of merchandise imported during the year pist, would reach 3,531,250 lbs. The best data within our reach induces a belief that 10,050 barrels of salt base been brought into the county by merchants, traders and farmers daring the 'fer.
ra Ihe fOmmillAS. wiftt nl lime have not lien able to ascertain the importations of several eiten- sive plough, carriage, thrashing machine, and other manufacturing establishments. Wilson, the Artist. Some time since we noticed a likeness of the Hon. Geo.
M. Dallas, Vice President of the I a i ted States, painted by that accomplished artist, Matrew F. Wilsos. Mr. W.
has been in thi city for tome time, and has taken the likenesses of many of our prominent citizens. So far as we have learned, he has rendered general satisfaction. The likeness of our townsman Alles KaAHEa, is an admirable work of art indeed, we might say, it is faultless. The features are life-like and natural. Grace and ease are imprinted upon every touch of the artist's pencil.
The living man almost seems tn breathe and speak from the canvass. Mr. Kramer may well feel proud of such an exquisite likeness. We understand that Mr. Wilson will remain but a shofttime in thit city, previous to his departure for the east, to fill engagements in Philadelphia and Washington city.
We would therefore advise such of our friends aa may wish to avail themselves or his pencil to call immediately Hi room is on Fourth street, opposite the Board of Trade building. Wall's Landscapes. We yesteiday had the pleasure of examining a couple of Landscapes, painted by our talented townsman, W. C. Wall, Esq.
They are both views on the Ohio river, in the vicinity of Brunot's Island, M'Kee's Rocks, They are decidedly tbe most beautiful sketches produced by Mr. Wall's prolific and gifted pencil. One of ihe paintings has been purchased by our friend Paulsos, who is a liberal patron of the fine arts. The other has not yet been disposed of; but we presume that some one of our citizens who feels inclined to encourage native merit and "home productions," will secure the possession of it We have fre. quently had occasion to notice favorably, the Landscapes painted by Mr.
Wall, and we take pleasure in again calling the attention of our citizens to his merits. He richly deserves encouragement and patronage. Whig Inttrnetlon from Washington. The Detroit Free Press says: Letters, we know, have been received iu this city from whig leaders af fVashington, telling their friends here that they must use all the mean in their power to prevent Gen. Cass' return to the U.
S. Senate. Go for any other democrat," say they, "for the defeat of Gen. Cass would be the greatest victory the whigs could achieve." aVaf Judge Eldred, of this State, has decided, that listening at a key-hole, though highly improper, and even a violation of law in man, is perfectly justifiable in a woman, owing to tbe natural curiosity of the sex. Coll I first, unless you have a particular fancy to be run over by the second.
i If a shin is of the feminine tender, why are not fighting vessels called women-qf-war instead of men of war? Answer that, will you? fcaT" The prices realized for real estate in the up per part of New York, lately, exceeds those of the speculative era of '36 and 37. Goethe says: "I see no fault committed that have not committed myself." Had the gentleman ever committed suicide? fcjT Quarantine is to be enforced at Puiladelphia upon all vessels from New Orleans, and other ports dffected with cholera. ktizT A bill has been introduced into the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a com pany to supply the borough of York with gas. fcatj A case occurred on Wednesday in Trenton, I where a woman called on a justice and begged to be sent to prison with her husband, as she had no means of living. The request was singularly enough granted.
stT" A bill has been introduced into the Delaware Legislature to prevent the return of free negroes into that State after they have been absent from it for thirty days. The law at present in force gives six months. The City Council or Wilmington, have unanimously asked permission to borrow $20,000 more on the creditor the city. Some of the property holders object. Advices received from Sisal, at New York, to the 4th state that the Indians had been driven away and the whites were returning.
Business matters were improving. Lamar, ex-Prendent of Texas, and the chivalrous and gallant soldiers, arrived at New Orleans, from Texas, on the ISth inst. aWThe Washington WAi says tbat General Tavlor's administration will be harassed by the unceasing attacks of the non-contents of the a nctent Whig party. Cerrtspondenre of the Cammertiat Advertiser. FROM C1IAGB.KS.
VY are favored by a friend with the following extract from a letter written on the route to the gold region: Chagres, Pec. 31, 1848 We arrived here in good health, after a passage of IS days from New York. We found the Fal con with 200 passengers; every canoe and bungo occupied at extravagant prices; the nsnal price for one passenger and two trunks to Cruces $10, but they are now getting from $40 to 50. lrunks and baggage are strewed about the negro huts, and it is a perfect chaos for the Yankees, as ihey cannot understand the natives, who to man are negroes; there being but one white man rest ding here, the collector of the port, from Bogota Chagres, that now sounds so large, contains a- bout 150 thatched negro huts. We team that the Pacific steamer has engage 400 passengers between Valparaiso and Callao for California, and theie are 300 passengers already waiting on trie iHJimus.
It will not be difficult for you to cross the Isth mus; ome ith but one trunk and enough to make one muie load, 2M pounds in all; take a small canoe atone and the expense will be but $32 to Panama. You can leave this without the delay ol an bour. Uet a few biscuits and apiece of ham or beef for the road, as you will find nothing to eat on tbe way. It is believed here that some 3000 passengers will congregate at Panama, itnout any possibl way of gestiiig to California, so that those by Cape Morn will arrive first. Say to Mr.
H. that it would be folly to uttrt un- der present circumstances, without first securing his passage by paying Ho lain! Ik Af pinaall; and Ibit he sbould bring funds in tmall ntonry. Ot or the IV ti In California. The Toledo Blade has a funny letter from a discharged volunteer at fan Francisco who has gone to gold hunting. He write to a brother, thus I saw where a man took, within six days fiom a space of ground not bissjcr than the old tlistrtbu-tmg table in your post-office, sJM.0Ot).
This man said he was satisfied, and let the iiiace be koun to a iriertu. vino looir our Si.tiitut tr gave it up an acquaintance, from whom I have tiot heard. I have been one week al the mines. 'JlWt brought away four pounds 1 toy, over eighthuiidreiMoilars. i i ii VI y.
1 me, agn, here to rema(S int.l JW, ha.Ufce.teaI1,er.romth.,b.ytoNew via I aiiarna and Chagres, and if Within two or three davs 1 shall to the mines when i Orleans, have a p.le of gold wiih me, you may kirk me and tl you do, 1 will kick you. I will be in Toledo by the 1st of August perhaps by the lib of July. Maybe 1 will have a pile. I would not give an ounce to be warranter No, not one dime. la you hear thut.
If you desire to make a fortune, uow an opportunity olfriwthat will not probably present Hsell" within the'Viext two hundred years, ami this is a greater length of time than things of earth and humanity will probably engage your attention. I must close this, Tom; atij, gaod niht, ami tioj bie you, Vuij rs, ever, A. W. Gov. CRiTTEnoct the Csbimtt.
The New York Tribune, of SaturJay, savt: i Pnvatft advices from Kentucky concur in ihe opinion that Mr. t'ritenden will fee! constrained by the strong appeals made to him frotn many quarters to resign hit present potilion, with nearly bit whole four years' term unexpired, and accept a position in General Taylor's Cabinet. It ia alto understood that he prefei the lowest place (in rank) to the highest." Tbe Richmond Southerner slates, (and says it comes from both the lips of General Taylor and Mr. Crittenden,) that Mr. C.
has declined accepting the office of Secretaty of Strte, and at his solicitation, the oiiice is to be tendered to, and will be accepted by John M. Clayton. Grw. Tatlor will tickle those Democrats nicely who voted fur him, A confidential friend of hit writing from New Orleans, says One thing I become evary day more and more convinced ol the General's administration will be as ultra whig with regard to men, and in all probability with regard to measures, as any the country has yet seen." Of course. Alarm.
In Jackson (Mist.) the fear of Cholera though none exists, determined the Judaea of the Courts to lay before the bar the propriety of an adjournment. The bar decided that the Cholera was a mere circumstance, compared with the "terror of the law," and requested the men of ermine to proceed; and, if Cholera doet come on, the bar will make no effort to prevent the Judges from going off So says the Raymond Gazette. The Editor of the Pcnnsylvanjan, Johiv W. Forbet, contradicts Ihe reports in circulation that he is to take charge of the Washington Union. The Cahal Board.
The Pennsylvanian, of the 27th, says Col. Painter returned to Harrisburgh yesterday morning. We are glad to hear that the health of Judge Longstreth continues steadily lo improve. He has been taking exercise on his farm, and designs, all thingt being favorable, a visit to Harrisburgh, in a few days, to participate in the organization of the Board. This intelligence will be highly gratifying to the people at large." The Democrats of Huntingdon crsnaty met at Huntingdon on the 9th, and chote Major Geo.
W. Speer, Representative Delegate to the Democratic State Convention, and recommended for Senatorial Delegate, John Scott, appoin ting Capt. James Bell and Dr. M. Stewart, conferee.
ktiy A correspondent of the Laneasterian brings forward the name of Peter Martin, Esq, of Lancaster county, for Canal Commissioner. A Great Country. The wife of Mr- John Underwood, in Monson, (Mass.) presented to him recently, two sons and a daughter at one birth. The mother and babes are doing well. Some two years ago, the same happy couple were blessed with tw children at a birth.
They have now six children, the oldest of which is four and a half years old. Ahatoxy. Don't forget the lecture by Drs. Cuter and Cutcheon, thi night, at Apollo Hall. of If i i i were quite excited yesterday, by the news of a body having been taken from the First Presbyterian Grave yard.
It seems, that on the 8th of January, a young lady named Ella Looah, died, and was buried in this grave yard. A few days after, some of the members of the church discovered that the body was gone. Subsequently, informttion was made before Alderman Buckmaster, of flis city, and a warrant placed in the hands of officer Fox. Search was made, and on Tuesday a body was found in the dissecting room of Dr. Dickson, Federal street, Alle gheny city, which the friends rf Miss Logan thought they recognized.
Yesterday, a brother ot the Lec tor, Stephen Dickson, a carpenter, was arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the affair. After a earing, he gave bail in the sumo! J00, to appear and answer the charge. Ti other persons, nave been informed against, but have not been taken. This is a case of peculiar baruship. 1 he leelings the relatives of the young girl have been mangled hv the desecration of her grave.
There can be no excuse for such conduct, evea medical students any of this class have tikea 4he body, knowing the circumstances, they should be punished. But we have not heard their story. They must have subjects for dissection. How are they to get tbem According to common law, it it a Penitentiary offence to eshume a body under any circumstances and it it imnnsnlile to obtait them in a sufficient ibo it ii iinpaniaiv number in any other way than the one adopted in th last session thiscase. A bill was Introduced at tbe last session ol thn T.erfislaliire on tb-s wrtv.ect.
which, if we re- Valo the iliiheralitv of tVHCV It" VI WIIOK'f the old English law. What was done with it we do not know. But we think some regulation should be made that would do justito the medical students, and at the same time protect the relatives of the dead. Tnx First Trit. TllP'nWgnificent "Met sender No.
2" made her trial yetterday. At about 9 o'clock yesterday she left the landing for Beaver, and returned at 3 P. JJf time down was about IS to 20 mile aa bour IJ came op in something over three hoars. This lioing remarkably well, and is evidence that ihe.Tt will be one of the twi ftest on the 'f tne Ter7 twiftett. A large party ent down, mostly rivei men and all agreed tht the No.
2 fully came op to general expectations. The machinery was all right. She is now lying at our wharf, and we advise our citizens who desire to see a splendid cabin, to go aboard of her. It is neediest to tsy that the officers are all perfect gentlemen, for they are well known on the river, All Pittsburgh and the Ohio river with them enure success. Mayor's Orricx.
For several days 'be Police officers have been busy fight and day, picking up thieves and stolen goods. Several have been com" mitted, and a few were discharged. Thev are of all colors, age and sexes. On Saturday evening the officers made a descent upon a house in Viigtn alley, kept by the well known Williams, and there they fount cloaks, coatt, shawls, Ac, which have been missed by various persons at different times during the past two weeks. William and two others named Henry Julius and Geo.
Burltap were committed to stand trials for thi larceny, Smr the above recovery, a man named Mc-Clintock, and Lawson and wife, (all negroes )-have been arrested on suspicion of stealing goods from ihe store of Roger Bell, Peer Creek. The goods were found ia the hou of Lawson, tawfu'ly eon. realed between the plastering and boards of the wcoml flor. They wet committed. On Mondav evening several persons were arrest ed for stealing old brass, iron.
Ac. from the ruins of the late fire. Hie thing, were the property of Mr. tiro. LerUie, Inert were brass knobs, rail- Ac, Two boy, and retaken in the street, and Sonne others rf JU rf Virgin alley.
A n(Ud to flowing these ng cles was found in the street, the wheel in the detection of the alley. Some of tbe rascals were corumitted for trial. JT We don't like lo make a fun about little things, yet we sometimes find it necessary lo a word in self defence. On Tuesday evening we called at the Mayor' office to get the particulars of the arrest ol certain theives, and the recovery of some stolen good. Officer Glena said it was the desire of the Mayor and officer that the matter should be kept quiet, because publicity might baffle their plans.
This was all right and under such circumstances, we never mention police office business. But, yesterday morning two of the papers had tmpli-fied notice of the trantactiont. aVaTT A bag of Meal waa arretted by one of Ihe Mtyor't Police, yesterday, and brought up for sentence. The charge trorndnet. Committed to the Poor House.
We protest that the above play it not original. sV- The Mayor' office present strange appearance now, with the immense lot of good ttored away in it, awaiting osraert. Dry goods and Old iron form the principal ingredient. (Xj-Persons who have lost cloaks, coats, or goods of any kind, bad better call at the Mayor's office. They may hear someth ing to there advantage.
Larceny. Two boys were yesterday charged with stealing $137,00 from Wm. Dunn, of the Sixth Ward. One of them named James Marly waa arretted and committed th other, a brother, has escaped. fcaf Brewer' Panorama will be exhibited thi evening.
We ask attention to the tard. DIKDl On Wednesday evening, 31 si Isabella wile of Robert Bruce, Jr. The funeral wtil take place on 2d instant, from the residence of her falher, Alex. Miller. Fourth st.
Road. The friends of the family are requested lo attend, without further notice Liberia Adjourned Meeting inarvr of Liberia. The friends of the Republic of Liberia and of the Colonization enterprise, which hat given existence to the Republic, will hold an adjourned meeung the Methodist Protestant Church, East Commons, Allegheny, on Thursday, the 1st of February, next, to commence at o'clock. The meetingto be addressed hy Judge Lowrie, Walter Forward and Wilson M'Candless, Esqs. 1 he ...1 Ktnnl Bflinn Ulll u.n.r.llv is invited to Rtteild.
No COileCUOIl Will tnken up. thkatke. C. S. and Lessee pricks or Aosnssios: Private boxes 85,00, Single tickets, 75c.
Dress Circle 50c. I and 3d Tier lit I Private Boxes 81,00 Thursday, February 1, to commence with the Comedy lh" SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL Sir Peter Mr. Logan. 1 Charles- -Mr. Murdoch.
Joseph Mr. Oxley. Lady Teazle -Miss Logan. Sir Oliver Mr. Porter.
Mrs. Candour-Miss Cruise. To conclude with the Farce of MISCHIEF MAKING. rrj Friday, Benefit of Mr. MURDOCH.
Notice The Gallery will remain closed during the cold weather. t'J- Doors open at 84 i Curtain will rise at 71 clock, nTO LET A Dwelling House, on Federal street. Allegheny, near the Market Square, and a small House on Pennsylvania Avenue, near Mrs. Blur-ray's Tavern, Pin Township. Also, a long Room, 3d story.
Market street, Pittsburgh. Two small Stores on Third street, and several convenient Offices, near the Post Office. Apply. qjZAM, Office, Third street, over Ph lo Hall. DRS.
CUTTER and CUTCHEON, will give a LECTURE IN APOLLO HALI thist rHcrnsDATj i February 1st, on the HEART, ARTERIES, and VEINS, aud their Diseases, Palpitation, fcc. Also, the structure, philosophy and eorrect ase of the organs ot Voice, by which bronchitis" may be entirely avoided by speakers and singers. It will bh demonstrated that evev sour car learn to suio. Th Anatomy of these parts will be given by splendid enlarged models, by the Manikins and Plates. Doors open at 6 o'clock Lecture to commence at 7.
Tickets -ii cents, to be had at the door and Book-store of Kay A Co' teblUt Aikin Brewer's Panorama OF THE MAMMOTH CAVE, NIAGARA FALLS and Egyptian, Ohio and Mississippi Scenery, now Exhibiting at 1'HllaO HALL, commencing on Wednes evening, January 31st. I Am9ng the ViewB. it comprises the following The Falls of Niagara, comprising a. full view. View the City of Mexico, from the Convent of San Cosmo-Panoramic View of the FaJIs of the Ohio, from the In diana side.
City of louiaville. The Mammoth Cave i. noiei and Cottages for visiters and transient hoarder Vfew of Ashland. View of llie Hermitage. Togethe with a day't journey through tbe Prairies." -nuiniuaiice, 23 cents.
1RSALE A Two Slorv Frame House and fjil. It by Ml. on Wvlie street, near Chatham. Title tear ranted. Will be sold cbenn.
if annlicrl lor soon. Apply to JOHN COYLE, i Conveyancer, Fourth sireet, near Smithfield. Or lo McGmre. Tailor, jan-111 Third street. Charles Buildiiur.
UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWEjfgW. R. Murpb-i has constantly on hand a snnnlv of aliove Gnod consisting; of Silk, Merino, Lamb's Wool, and Cotton Undershirts, some of which are of extra width an length, with double Bosoms Lamb's Wool, Merino an Cotton Drawers Merino and Srlk Vests, for Ladies anf Girls. Also, white nnshrinkable Flannels, heavy horned made bome-maae wmte i.inseys, super, i-auio Flannets--and all at the lowest prices, at Norlh-catt corner of Fourth and Market streets. U7 Wholesale Rooms up stairs.
jau31 DAMAGED DRY GOODS BY FIRE, AT AUCTION on Account of whom it may Concern. On Monda next, February 5th, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, will br soiu, Wltnout reserve, on account oi wnoin it may cor eern, a lot of Dry Goods, damaged by fire a few mori ings since. JAMES McKENNA, janjt Auctioneer. To Lumbermen. rpHE iirii rued desires, ujton his return from th A whieli will about the thor 10th of Febn rv tn enntraet tnr from nss uj 93 ThObMiid UHJt'Sl SUliauie rorross lies, say leei lenrth.
and of sumeient size lo souare Si to 6i The Timber lo be defivered either at Pittsburgh or Mail- son, Indiana. the latter preterreo. communication may be left with Messrs. Church A Caroihers, before tl dates mentioned. Payment cash, on delivery of Tu ber.
JOHN ROUGH. jan3I Prest M. and I. Rail Road Gazette pob. St daily and It weekly and eh.
this offici fVMi by VER SEED 7 barrels, just received and for sa (jan31) SMITH A SINCLAIR. AISINS to boxes M. R. Raisins i XV aOnf. for tale by i janJl SMITH sr.
N.viuun. 1 BBl.S. RYE FLOUR For sale by IU an3l ARMSTRONG CROZER. AH SACKS POTATOES Ree steamer -we and for sale by (jan.fl) CUMMINS A SMITH. TO the-Honorable, the Judges of the Court ot Quart Sessions ot the Peace, in and for the County of Al gherry: The petition of Franeis Gormley, of the 1st Ward, of Pittsburgh, in the County aforesaid, humbly shewe-That your petitioner hath provided himself wilh rials tor the accommodation ot irava era ana oiners, his dwelling-house in the Ward aforesaid, and pru that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a licet; to keep a publie house of entertainment.
And your I titioner, as in duly bound, wilt pray. FRANCIS GORMLEY We, the subscribers, citizens of the aforesaid Wa do certify, tbat the above petitioner it of good repute honesty and temperance, and is well provided with hoi room and conveniences for the accommodation of trt elers and others, and that said tavern is necessary. John Caldwell, James Catselly, Henry Cassidy, Jan Crawford. R. C.Towutettd, Fenwick, Philip Lib lin.
John Kelly. John Rhey, Henry Earley, Henry Kt E. Fitzsimmont. "IXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Nolice is hereby given i JLJ the subscriber has obtained from the Register of legheny County Letters testamentary on the Esiate Josepn Shearer, late of PlumTownthip.dec'd.
All sons indebted to said Estate are hereby required to mi payment thereof immediately; and all persons hav claims, will present tbem, properly authenticated, settlement. L'ZZIAH STEWART, i Plum Township FOR GENTLEMEN W. R. Ml-rchv has recently ceived a further siipply of Oentlemen't Faueu Ctt VATS, including sonid very handsome. Also, bit Italian Cravats, several qualities, and including some perior.
Also, Gent's Linen Cambric Handkerchi plain and with colored borders: super Silk Unr shirts and Drawers, merit silk and cotton, some of former extra sire. Esiitcin! attention is asked to slock of Frenrh BroadcUslhs and Vassimtrel, of Ihe la plain and fancy; Velvet and Satin Vestings, Ac. North-east coriierof 4th and Market sts. jan2 (Shtckerlng Pianos. fffrv! JOHN 11.
MKLLOK. (sole As-nt Chiekerinz't Pianos for HVslern Ptnn. ro'iia.) No. 81 Wood street, Pittsbut has received, and now open for sale. following elegant assortment of Piano-Fortes, dil from the manufacturer, and for sale at Mr.
Chickeru (Boston) prices, viz: One superb Rosewood, seven octave, carved in the elegant and neh s.yle of louis XIV. new scale. One Rosewood, carved, seven octave new scale. One do. Gl octave new scale.
One do. (i octave, carved moulding new te Two do. 6 do. round corners; Two do. 6 do.
square Tbe above are from the manufactory of J. Cliicker Boston, and of the latest styles of furuiture. and with new and approved scale. i Also, on hand, and for sale low Three Rosewood Pianos, octaves from the manu lory of H. Worcester, New York, formerly of the of Stodart, Worcester A Dunham.
Two Rosewood, 6 octave Pianos from the manufacr-of Gale A N. Y. One Rosewood, 6 oclave; manufactured by Baco. Raven. New York.
One Manogany 6 octave Piano made in Baltimore, leu. by the owner for sale, either for cash or iu change lor such goods as will country slor Price sue. jan: Allegheny County, ss i ORPHAN COURT 0 if 'i lu the ma matter of the account of Wa ft H. Ixwrie, acting Exeentor of Ma rniie, late ot tlte cily ot ritlsourga, at No. 2.
Dec'r IMS. And now. to wiu on motion of C. on behalf of Trustee, the Court appoint Re Washington. Auditor.
From the Record. DANL. M'CL'RDY, Cl'i The Auditor will proceed to discharge the duties ol foregoing appointment at his omce, on Fourth tiree. the city ot I'uisburgh, between Smithbeiu ana stieets. on Tuesday, the 1.1th February next.
I READE WASHINGTON. Andilo ew Whtellag Packet. The new and splendid riasseneer ttea Z. TAYLOR, M. K.
Licas, Master, will as a Regular Packet between Pittsburgh Vheeliiut. leaving this city every Monday, Weduet and Friday, at 1Q o'clock, A. and Wheeling ev Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, el o'clock, A. For freight or patsage, (having tuperior accommc lions,) apply on board. The Z.
Taylor it an entirely new boat, and for sf and accommodation is not surpassed by any boat on river. ARMSTRONG A CROZER, Ag" TO LET The Warehoase now occupied by undersigued, on Liberty street, opposite the mt of Sixth. Possession given on the 1st of Apr They also offer for sale the balance of their stock of eeries, on accommodating terms. A person desirou purchasing can retain all or most of their custom, an, such they will give immediate possession. JAMES COOPER A janMidlw No.
164 Liberty i DISSOLUTION. The partnership of Mrspur A i it thit day dissolved, by mutual content. The siuess of the firm will be settled by H. J. R.
MURPH- Pituburgk, 30th IM9. H. LEE. NOTICE. The undersigned will continue the businett and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods, at old place.
H. LEX In retiring from the late firm of Murphy A Le take great pleasure in recommencing Mr. H. Lee to connuence ot my irienua anu lo tne nubile. jan30 J.
R. MURPH' A. FAHNESTOC PNEUMONIC OR COIT BALSAM hat rreat advantav ove manv Cough preparations, as its pleasant tasle permits it kiiuihii incuuveiuence. nut lis value at a consists iu th tpeediness of its cure. We have kn tome of the most desperate coughs, tome of which been running on for considerable lenrth of time, almost immediately to its power.
In such westher at we have had during the past tet, every one it liable to take cold, unless great prec Uons are used. Wet feet and undue exposure to the inclemency of i weather often lays the foundation of a hacking eoi which needs aquick remedy to prevent serious result We have numerous certificates of cures which il performed, many of which are from persons in this and the neighborhood, and they are a suthcient re ence, without saying another word iu its favor. Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail by BAHNESTOCK A corner of Wood and 1st Wood and lllh streets. jan: THRESH ROLL BUTTER 10 bbls. iusl received -JL tor sale by ARMSTRONG A CROZER, jan30 No.
22 Market stree BBLS. FRESH ROLL BUTTER To-day ree'd JffiBBLS RED NESHANNOCK POTATflES OKJ sale by (jan25) ARMSTRONG A CROZEI MACAULEVS ENGLAND The Hiatorv of Engl from the accession of James by Thomas bington Macauley. Just received and for sale by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, iatrXi Corner 11,1 anAI Orricx or ra Amxrican Fire Inscraxce Cohpasy, Philadelphia. January 20, 149. rTThe business of this Company, heretofore Ira arledby George Cochran, as Agent tor Piltsbu and vicinity, will be closed from and alter the 25th i i c-jitnuiig insurances be made to lli Secretary in Philadelphia SAMUEL C.
MORTON, Presiden Fraticis D. Jasviur, Secreiarv. The undersigned will attend to the adjustment of lot-under existing policies. GEO. COCHRN Nova Publishers nf mimii In .1 respective papers to the office.
Phil. jan25 6t VERY OLD BRANDY One qr. cask Cogiuac Br dy, 1-wu," jnst imported by ns, and for tale hy bottle. (jantl) MILLER A RICKF.TSO XT' For Commercial aad let aut Page. I Sews, The Latest Nem, Market Reports, Ac-, will be found under Telegraphic Head Ed-cab Starlet," will be continued in to morrow's Post.
Extension of Bank Charters. Mr. Laibd, of Westmoreland, Chairman of the Committee on Banks, in the House of Representa tives, in this state, has addressed a series of interrogatories to the Cashier of each Bank in the Commonwealth, applying for a renewal of its charter, which are required to be answered under the solemnities of an oath. The interrogatories are very searching, and if they are answered without equivocation, we think that there will be but little difficulty to know the condition of the Banks applying for a renewal of their charters. There are powerful efforts now being made in this state, not only to renew charters which are about to ex pirebut to incorporate new Banks, in places where such institutions do not exist at present We' trust that the Representatives of the People, will have the moral firmness to reject these appl cations, however strong may be the appeals.
By gradually permitting toe charters of the exist ing Banks to expire, no wrong can be done to eith er the stockholders or the community at large At the principal commercial points, a limited number of Banks, sufficient to transact the business of the mercantile community, might be kept in existence, subject to the most rigid legislative scrutiny. There is no necessity for a bank in every petty village in the state. They may occa sionally afford relief to individuals, and aid them in their business operations but the wide-spread ruin to the community at large, resulting from a Bank explosion, more than neutralizes all the good performed by every Bank in the Commonwealth There is no doubt but that the discovery of the Gold Mines of Coliforcia will bring into circula tion an immense amount of the precious metals, which must take the place of the small note cur rency, issued by Banks and Corporations. Our farmers, mechanics and laboring men, can lay aside the "yellow boy'' for a rainy day, without the least fears of their depreciating Let Con gress authorize the coinage of small gold pieces, and let our Slate Legislatures prevent, by severe legal enactments, the issue of any more shin pi as ters, to rob the industrious classes of their hfrd earnings. Legislating Democrat sit of Office.
Mr. SwitTiriiDH, of this county, who ap pears to be the '-head arid front of whiggcry at Harrisburgh, this winter, has introduced a bill, enacting that from and after the passage thereof, "all former laws relative to the appointment Surveyor General and Auditor General be repeal ed, and the Governor of this Commonwealth be authorized to appoint said officers in the same manner as the Secretary of the Commonwealth is Under the plea of having the term of said offices expire with the term of office of Governor appointing them, Mr. Swartzwelder has introduced this bill but the clear undoubted object of tbat gentleman is (o legislate a couple of democrats out of office. If the offices named were tilled with whigs, it matters not to which party the Executive might belong, we would hear nothing of this bill of Mr. Swartzwelder.
1 would be very pleasant for Governor Johssto to dismiss a couple of worthy democrats, and ap point in their stead, men of bis own political faith some brawling, hungry, intolerant whigs, as a reward for their party services. The -whigs' never proscribe men lor opinion's sake'" oh, no They are pure patriots, and despise the low, dirty tricks of Verily, whiggery is the very embodiment of burr-buggery Ptpalar Lectarct. The last lecture of the course, by Prof. Stephens, in the Sixth Ward School House, was delivered on Tuesday evening, to a large audience, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. An additional lecture will be given this evening, at the same place, by the Professor.
His subject will be Astboxoxt; and he wilt illustrate it by splendid views from the Magic Lantern, using the oxy-bydrogen light. The people of the Sixth Ward deserve credit for the intense interest which they have manifested in the cause of science. Prof Stephens' lectures have been the best attended of any we have had since Silliman was here and they should be, for he deserves the entire patronage of an enlightened public. Adults who will go to the lecture this evening will only have a dime to. pay at the door, and children half that price.
This is an improvement on old customs, and the success attending it is significant. Orphan Asylum Soiree. This grand affair of the season, will take place on Friday evening. From all quarters, we learn that extensive preparations are beiog mace, by the beau tiful and the gay, to be in attendance, on that even, ing. They will, no doubt, reap a rich harvest ot entertainment, not merely from the plasurs of dancing themselves, but also from beholding the happiness of their friends.
The Mercy Hospital Soiree, last winter, was an honor to our city and there are many wl.o will retain recollections of that evening, with emotions never lo be forgotten. Hundreds danced who bad never danced before, to the exquisite music of Daniel M'Atfeeand his brass band. We are happy to say that the same excellent musician and bis band have volunteered their services on the present occasion. Alex. M'Clurg, so report aye, has also generously tendered the use of the Lafayette Assembly Rooms, for the evening.
From the arrangements made by the gentlemanly and energetic managers, we confidently say all will be A Democrat for Ton. The Philadelphia Sun, a whig paper, tells the following anecdote of Samuel Fegeley, one of the democratic members of the Pennsylvania Legisla. from old Berks: "Friends remonstrated with him upon leaving home, stating that he endanger ed his life by starting at an inclement season, in his state of health. His reply was, 'I may as well go as stay; if I go I may die, but if I stay, the democrats will be defeated, and that would err-tainlu be the death ol This is a spirit of fidelity wortbjr of the noblest cause." Who can wonder that Berks is the Gibralter of democracy, when her people have such an example before hem?.