1. Seteng A. Yuniawan - The Movie Database
Seteng A. Yuniawan is known as an Actor and Writer. Some of their work includes Makmum 2, Scandal Makers, Harlot's Prayer, unbookable life, Hitam, ...
Seteng A. Yuniawan is known as an Actor and Writer. Some of their work includes Makmum 2, Scandal Makers, Harlot's Prayer, unbookable life, Hitam, Kejarlah Janji, Ritual Tumbal Terakhir, and Loz Jogjakartoz.
2. Leadership styles and effectiveness in the workplace
22 sep 2022 · The aim of this research was to test differences between leadership styles and leadership effectiveness as perceived by both millennial followers and ...
Background: Millennial leaders are seen in the workplace as the leadership pipeline for the preceding generations, Generation X and baby boomers, particularly given that the older baby boomer generation are retiring. However, the correlation between leadership styles and leadership effectiveness and the consequences for leadership development have not been fully researched in the literature on millennial leaders. Aim: The aim of this research was to test differences between leadership styles and leadership effectiveness as perceived by both millennial followers and millennial leaders. Setting: This research was conducted in South Africa, in a variety of organisations, and through sampling of employees across generations. Methods: Cross-sectional data were collected with instruments based on the Pearce typology of leadership styles, after which the data were segmented according to three generations. After confirming reliability and general factorial validity of the instruments, regression analysis was performed to determine the contribution of four leadership styles towards leadership effectiveness. Results: Two of the leadership styles, namely empowering and transformational, were perceived by both millennial followers and leaders as being statistically significant predictors of leadership effectiveness, whilst the remaining two leadership styles, directive and transactional, did not have a statistically significant contribution towards leadership effectiveness....
3. Leadership essential to steer success within the retail sector
Abstract. Purpose – The purpose of this investigation was to determine the leadership necessary for the retail sector which is having to embrace complexity ...
The purpose of this investigation was to determine the leadership necessary for the retail sector which is having to embrace complexity induced through accelerating changes in consumer behaviour and expanding information accessibility.,Semi-structured interviews were used for across 10 disparate retail organisations deployed as case studies safeguarding all quality considerations were fully integrated.,The findings reveal brands are coping with greater complexity than before. Loyalty is eroding whilst social media increases the complexity for brands to uphold control of their image. Developing the market without sacrificing exclusivity or alienating core consumers necessitates effective leadership. The deductions revealed that despite some leadership styles seemingly more conducive, that specific qualities are more important for the retail sector.,By selecting ten organisations every effort was made to ensure a greater degree of credibility in the findings. It is acknowledged that this investigation is sector specific. Nonetheless, there exists considerable transferability value as the role of leadership within the retail sector can mirror expectations within other environments.,It was validated that leaders need to foster an organisational culture promoting continuous learning whilst introducing a consumer-first perspective across the business. The findings reinforce how specific traits, behaviours and styles are imperative amongst leaders preserving the success of the retai...
4. [PDF] Accelerating Innovation for Development: How Universities ...
This research shows how middle-income countries can transform higher education systems by encouraging collaboration across the entire innovation ...
5. Seteng Yuniawan | TV Passport
Learn more about Seteng Yuniawan on TV Passport. Find upcoming TV listings with Seteng Yuniawan, as well as bio, filmography, photos and more.
6. Seteng A. Yuniawan - Profile Images — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Seteng A. Yuniawan is known as an Actor and Writer. Some of their work includes Makmum 2, Scandal Makers, Harlot's Prayer, unbookable life, Hitam, ...
Seteng A. Yuniawan is known as an Actor and Writer. Some of their work includes Makmum 2, Scandal Makers, Harlot's Prayer, unbookable life, Hitam, Kejarlah Janji, Ritual Tumbal Terakhir, and Loz Jogjakartoz.
7. [PDF] Transactional Leadership, Well-Being Support, OCB-Altruism, and ...
setting clear goals by clarifying the relationship between rewards given and expected performance and ... & Yuniawan, 2020). Guinot, Chiva, and Mallén ...
8. [PDF] Asian Journal of Empirical Research - AESS Publications
Good work setting and decent working surroundings help to have job satisfaction in the meantime it aids in aggregating worker's job performance ...
9. [PDF] Politeknik Negeri Padang Students' Communication Skill in a Project ...
One of the ways to succeed working in industry and business world is by having a communication skill. This research was to analyse the lecturer and entrepreneur ...
10. [PDF] Journal of Contemporary Research in Business and Management (JCRBM)
in their natural setting and context where the researcher does not try ... Then it has been a decline in company performance. Page 8. Prasetyo and Yuniawan.
11. IJPPM-02-2024-0086_proof 1..24 - Emerald Insight
and Yuniawan, 2021), and decrease familiarity within teams (Dibble and ... As individuals navigate working in a MTM setting, they draw upon the time ...
This paper explores the impact of multiple team membership (MTM) on the productivity of team members in engineering consulting firms. MTM refers to employees participating concurrently in multiple teams, a concept closely linked to projectification. Despite the fact that this concept can enhance collaboration, it also introduces coordination challenges that may negatively affect productivity.,Through an inductive approach involving 12 semi-structured interviews with engineering consulting professionals specializing in water and energy infrastructure projects, this paper examines the factors affecting team member productivity in an MTM setting. Following the interviews, a Delphi technique was employed, engaging 16 experts to rank the factors and sub-factors identified from the interview data. This two-stage approach ensured a comprehensive and validated assessment of productivity factors.,This study develops 8 factors process model grounded in structuration theory to explain the socio-technical mechanisms by which multiple team membership shapes productivity outcomes in engineering consulting firms specialized in water and energy infrastructure projects. Key findings surface micro-foundations, tensions in technology provisions, planning processes, and career development that inform theoretical advances and practical improvements.,This research contributes empirically insights into managing MTM in expert service contexts. Applying Giddens' structuration theory, this study revea...
12. [PDF] Optimization of Brand Engagement and Loyalty Through Informative ...
, ahyar.yuniawan@live.undip.ac.id2. Article history. Submitted: 2023/06/17 ... In today's ever-changing service marketing landscape, it's essential to have a.
13. [PDF] The Application of Moderate Politeness into School Practices of ...
30 dec 2023 · (2019). Page 5. Vol. 7, No. 4, 2023. Riyanto, Prayitno, Fauzan, Huda, & Yuniawan. 733 investigated the "Social and emotional learning for ...
14. [PDF] Management Strategies Used by Construction Managers to Reduce ...
Buzeti (2020) determined that a working environment places employees into daily relationships that create a social situation. If a setting is hostile,. Page 55 ...
15. An Analysis of Gender Differences in Using Taboo Language
Cases of Women's Hate Speech Due to the Use of Taboo Language on Social Media · SutarsihSubyantoroH. MardikantoroT. Yuniawan ... Linguistics. 2005. Is today's ...
Table 4. Compilation of all taboo words in text 1 - "Taboo Language on the Internet : An Analysis of Gender Differences in Using Taboo Language"
People can watch television while working, listening to music, and do other technical multitasking with today's technological advances. Simultaneous projects, ...